Disperse dye is one kind of organic substance which is free from ionizing group. It is less soluble in water and used for dyeing synthetic textile materials. Disperse dyes achieve their best results when the dying process takes place at high temperatures. Specifically, solutions around 120°C to 130°C enable disperse dyes to perform at their optimal levels.
Hermeta provides disperse dyes with various techniques for colouring synthetics such as polyester, nylon, cellulose acetate, vilene, synthetic velvets and PVC. Their effect is less potent on polyester, due to the molecular structure, allowing only pastel through to medium shades, however full colour can be achieved when heat transfer printing with disperse dyes. Disperse dyes are also used for the sublimation printing of synthetic fibers and are colorants used in the manufacture of "iron-on" transfer crayons and inks. They can also be used in resins and plastics for surface and general coloring uses.